Blox Cards Wikia
Seranok Luna
Aife Alt Card1
Chimera Redec Alt Card
About Seranok
Rarity: Yellow Legendary
Cost: 1Y
Health/Power: 500/500
Effect: Whenever your opponent casts a fighter: deal 200 damage to the opponent. Unlock this card. Reset its stats. Return it to your hand.
Bio: There are people who you can't imagine being without. There are people you can't wait to destroy. Seranok is both - at the same time!
Alt Art Bio: This description has no meaning to me anymore. To be frank, its Merely a coincidence. Part of the 'Aife' Collection! Collect them all!
Chimera Radec Bio: A wise man draws his swords when the time is right to wield them. A fool dies with blades still sheathed, fearing that there might come a time of greater need. This card is an alt-art of Seranok.
NuclearPizza Bio: "A sad display of desperation, a sad display of fear. A tale as old as time, the farmer reaps his fields and harvests his profits. But then the truth comes through, things can't breathe when they lie in Hell. Welcome to my personal Hell. You are the crops I reap and your mind is my profit.". This card is an alt-art of Seranok.
Christiang3 Bio: "Peekaboo, now i'm here now i'm not. Maybe i want to be here maybe i don't. But all i know is i'm very annoying."
Tip: Use with Quf3y for fun times.