Blox Cards Wikia
Silky dev Card
YingTaoQueen Alt
Beach Duo ImAwkwrd Bibee Alt Card
Chicken Cultist Anniv
About silky_dev
Rarity: Yellow Common
Cost: 2Y
Health/Power: 550/300
Effect: N/A
Bio: What's in the box?
YingTaoQueen Bio: After the Fall of Noob Lifeloss, she will now try out a new deck with a new power. This card is an alt-art of silky_dev.
Beach Duo ImAwkwrd & Bibee Bio: Nothing beats a nice sunny summer day on the beach with good vibes all around. This card is an alt-art of silky_dev.
Birthday Bash Bio: Let's cause an apocalypse over here!
Note: Used to be called "Candy Robber"
Comparison: Doge Hound